In observance of Black History Month, Granby Racial Reconciliation Faith Subcommittee is sponsoring a Bible study facilitated by an ecumenical group of Granby clergy and lay leaders from First Congregational Church, South Congregational Church, St. Therese’s Parish and Valley Brook Community Church. Commencing on Wednesday February 16, 2022 from 6:30-7:00 pm via Zoom, and meeting for six weeks through March 23rd, the group will be following the Race. Grace. Justice. Jesus. Plan on bible.com/reading-plans (also known as YouVersion mobile Bible app).
The instructions link provides specific steps to complete your registration. This plan is structured as a 6 day study, but instead we will be engaging with it on a weekly basis over 6 weeks. It will have both synchronous and asynchronous components. It is our steadfast hope that this ecumenical approach to studying what scripture has to teach us about race, grace, justice and Jesus will lead to a collective deepening of our shared faith and support our individual journeys toward becoming anti-racist Christians.